Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Blog Quake Day

Today is is Blog Quake Day. DesiPundit has called for the blogosphere to unite and help the numerous thousands for whom life changed so totally after the earthquake that shook Northern India and Pakistan on 08 October 2005.

While most of us would (and many would already have) contribute monetarily and in kind, bloggers are hoping to add to the contributions by spreading the word about the quake, and by appealing and directing readers to various avenues and relief organizations.

Please give whatever you can. The smallest amount will help. If you blog, post about the quake and this effort. If you don't, no problems. Talk to your friends, colleagues, neighbors, students -- anyone you can reach out to, for even the smallest word can do much good.

In whatever way we can let's try and help the region and affected people pick themselves up and resume normal lives. Please, please help.

You can contribute your mite in many ways. The South Asia Quake Help Blog not only provides information about the quake but also lists the different ways in which you can provide aid to the affected. South Asian Earthquake Relief and Pakistan Wiki on Earthquake 10-05 are also excellent places to visit for quake related information and lists of aid and relief agencies working in the affected region.

The Prime Minister of our country has appealed for contributions to the The Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund. That is a good place as any other to start.

Desipundit has listed these organizations that are involved in relief and rehabilitation efforts, and who could put your monetary contributions to good use:

World Vision
Humanity First
Hidaya Foundation
SEWA International
International Rescue Committee
Pakistan President’s Relief Fund
The Human Development Foundation
The Association for the Development of Pakistan ’s Earthquake Redevelopment Fund

Please visit Desipundit for updates and to read what other bloggers have been doing for the Blog Quake Day.

Let's all get together and do some good.

Technorati tag(s): blog quake day.

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