Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Are Wikis Rewriting the Rule Books?

An insightful article on wikis and where they are probably heading by Alan Connor: Rewriting the Rule Books on the BBC news site's Magazine.

It is a featured under the Magazine's Weblog Watch : The Magazine's review of weblogs.

Connor focuses on the two primary characteristic of wikis: That they are collaborative and more importantly, that they are free. He points out that wikis like the Wikipedia are not only free and collaborative, but also that they aim to be authorative. This, Connor says, is what makes things interesting. Connor wonders if the principle of wikis (specifically Wikipedia) could be expanded to maps and textbooks?

Interesting article. Go, read it here.

And it quotes from one of your truly's posts on wikipedia: Wikipedia Story Misreported. Reason enough to read it, wot say:)?
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