Thursday, June 16, 2005

A Legal Guide for Bloggers

Bloggers are increasingly getting in trouble for what they post. Bloggers, like other publishers, might publish information or opinion that other people don't want published. Pradyuman Maheshwari of Mediaah! decided to shut down his popular blog after the media house that publishes The Times of India sent him a legal notice, asking him to remove 19 posts from his blog as they were "defamatory." Could Maheshwari have avoided getting into trouble if he knew the limits of his rights as a blogger? The Electronic Frontier Foundation has created a guide by compliling a number of FAQs designed to help bloggers understand their rights and, if necessary, defend their freedom.

Read EFF's Legal Guide for Bloggers

The Electronic Frontier Foundation recently published the latest version of its free Legal Guide for Bloggers. It is a must read and handy reference for all bloggers (both seasoned and newbies) as the guide covers many thorny legal issues (including defamation and intellectual property).

The guide in a way indicates where this new media journalism is headed.

Please note that the guide is based on the laws in the United States. But wherever you are blogging from, this guide is a good reckoner about what and how you can blog. Do note, that your country might not have the same freedoms and rights as in the USA. So if you are worried about a post for some reason, err on the side of caution.

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