Thursday, January 20, 2005

Igniting the Web -- 19 Million Firefox Downloads

In just a little over 10 weeks, over 19 million people have downloaded Firefox 1.0 -- that's roughly the entire population of Australia.

Firefox has also taken away a large chunk of users away from Microsoft Internet Explorer (WebSideStory's statistics -- January 12, 2005). Firefox now has 4.6% of the browser market share while IE's share has fallen to 90.6% --losing almost 4.9% in the past 6 months. Read more: Mozilla Is Gaining on Godzilla ( BusinessWeek Online).

If the trend continues, Firefox could have a bigger impact on the Net's future. Web sites that aren't compatible with non-Microsoft browsers will be pressurized to design their sites to open Net standards. And Microsoft will start losing control on how content is presented on the Web.

That will be an amazing accomplishment.

My earlier post: Igniting the Web -- Firefox 1.0

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