Tuesday, March 17, 2009

If Fictional Characters Could Read

Over at The Publishers Weekly they are playing a game of guessing which books fictional characters might buy (and read) if they were browsing today's book stores. The Guardian too points to the PW piece while speculating on what Huck Finn and Becky Sharp would buy and feels that Sherlock Holmes "would have got on well with a good Agatha Christie." Read both the posts as well as the comments. 

You think a Harry Potter would have enjoyed reading a Percy Jackson? Percy Jackson, if he could manage his dyslexia and ADHD, probably wouldn't mind reading Samit Basu's Gameworld Trilogy. Basu's Silver Dagger would have enjoyed the intrigue at the Farseer Court but would have thought of poorly of Robin Hobb's assassin — FitzChivalry Farseer. Fitz ain't cool and smooth enough for the Silver Dagger. But one can imagine Le Guin's archmage Ged appreciate the detailing of Robin Hobb's world. 

It is a fun game. What books would your favorite fictional characters read?

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