Sunday, May 21, 2006

Google Buns: Ink Scrawl Nugget 12

So what are you having for tea?
"Well, come back and have tea with us," said Moon-Face, "Silky's got some Pop Biscuits - and I have made some Google Buns. I don't often make them - and I tell you they're a treat!"
"Well, come back and have tea with us," said Moon-Face, "Silky's got some Pop Biscuits - and I have made some Google Buns.
"Google Buns!" said Bessie in astonishment. "Whatever are they?"

"You come and see," said Moon-Face, grinning. [. . .]

Soon they were all sitting on the broad branches outside Monn-Face's house, eating Pop Biscuits and Google Buns. The buns were the most peculiar. They each had a very large currant in the middle, and this was filled with sherbet. So when you got to the currant and bit it the sherbet frothed out and filled your mouth with fine bubbles that tasted delicious. The children got a real surprise when they bit their currants, and Moon-Face amost fell off the branch with laughing.
From The Magic Faraway Tree, one of the books from The Faraway Stories by Enid Blyton.


Niti Bhan said...

Enid Blyton! I think she influenced at least two generations of Indians to behave and think in a certain way, no? I loved her books.

mandar talvekar said...

The Enchanted Wood from The Faraway Tree Stories was the first proper book that I read. And that was followed by many others written by Enid Blyton.
You are probably right about her influencing generations of Indians (the pre cartoon network ones atleast). And with theses generations she now seems to represent the kind of childhood memories that we now see only through nostalgia-tinted glasses. That explains why a number of my friends and me have been regressing over the last few months. Enid Blyton has become a staple read for us all once again.

Anita Vachharajani said...

i think blyton programmed us for adult obesity! half my joy in eating refined-flour baked stuff comes from childhood memories of her descriptions of yummy but unhealthy food! schools had banned her for a bit in the UK. bec they found that her books, while addictive, weren't allowing kids to progress into other less-escapist reading at all.

mandar talvekar said...

Hey Anita,
I can attribute my present size to Enid Blyton -- there isn't a single Blyton book that you can read without feeling the need to munch upon something about five pages into it.
Didn't know about the UK ban -- but considering that even adults keep going back to her books (escapism/nostalgia), I can understand why schools attempted to throttle her books.