Monday, August 29, 2005

An Interview With Alexander McCall Smith

I think you have to be careful not to romanticise places such as Botswana. There are values — and every society has them obviously, but one thing I do find in Botswana and indeed, in many other sub-Saharan African countries, is that these virtues and human values are particularly evident because the people there have a sincerity and lack of cynicism which I don't find in other countries where people are so busy and have no time for one another. And that's why people have been quite refreshed by the Botswana novels — they want to believe that there are places where people treat one another with respect and give one another time. While the world is so rushed and busy, Mma Ramotswe has time to drink tea and talk...
The Hindu has an interview with Alexander McCall Smith, author of the famous The No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency series.

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