Wednesday, February 16, 2005

A Life?

16 hour work days, 2 hour long video-conferences at 8.30 in the morning. . . write some emails. . . Coffee and toast. . . 1 hour conference calls immediately after. . . more emails. . . some more coffee. . . count the number of days to the weekend. . .3 meetings in the afternoon. . . more coffee. . . some more emails. . . squeeze in some time in all this to finish your "deliverables" . . . Again count the number of days to the weekend; no change. . . hour- long team "huddle" in the evening. . . 1 hour to upload - write frantically, upload. . . Coffee . . . Done! Oh S@#&! Prepare for tomorrow's video-conference. . . Some more Coffee. . . get into a rick. . . pick a packet of chips before you get into the train. . .only slow trains . . .1 1/2 hours before I reach my station. . . Sleep? No, have to read those documents one more time. . .station . . .trudge home. . . dinner or bed? Have to eat something . . .Quick dinner . . . Remember to set the alarm, have to be in office by 8.00 am tomorrow, oh no, it's today already. . . If I get into bed NOW and fall asleep immediately I can sleep for 3 hours and 35 minutes.

Blog? What Blog? . . .%^&*#@ Lost 10 minutes in writing this. . .

A Life? Where can I download one of those from?


mandar talvekar said...

After spending 16 hours in Andheri. . .i would rather have five minutes of life in Ambernath.

Anonymous said...

For all the Ambernath / Ambarnath NRIs, there is a new yahoo group. Open for all, here is the link: